The MSU CF Center continues to adapt to the ever changing COVID pandemic.  We have moved all of out CF visits to Telehealth visits using Zoom for the time being.  We anticipate 8-12 weeks of Telehealth visits only for our CF patients at a minimum.  For those of you who produce sputum we can send you a cup and order to collect a sample at home for our routine culture monitoring.  We would need to see a large and sustained reduction in new cases before we would feel it was safe for our patients to come and be seen in clinic.  We can potentially make exceptions in certain cirucmstances if necessary to ensure your health.  Please feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.  The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has a wonderful Q & A page I encourage you to review as well.  (CFF COVID-19 Community Questions and Answers)



Ryan Thomas, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics 

Director, MSU Cystic Fibrosis Center

Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Allergy and Immunology

Department of Pediatrics and Human Development

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine