MSU Cystic Fibrosis East Lansing OfficeCystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited chronic disease of the lungs and digestive system that affects some 30,000 people in the United States (70,000 worldwide). As a core treatment center, we are accredited and receive funding from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We work in collaboration with Cystic Fibrosis Centers and affiliate programs nationwide in order to provide high-quality specialized care to our patients.

The MSU CF Center is a multidisciplinary clinic where we routinely provide testing and consultation on the same day, allowing patients and families peace of mind with minimal disruption to their daily routines. We believe CF is best treated through a comprehensive approach with patients and family at the center of a diverse care team that includes a wide array of specialists.

As a leading research institution, we strive to find new and better treatments for though active participation in multiple CF research studies, and through involvement with several Cystic Fibrosis Foundation fundraising events.
