The MSU Cystic Fibrosis Clinic staff would like to invite your family to attend our 14th annual CF Family Education Day on Saturday 10/19/2019. This day is set aside for the families and caregivers of our CF Patients. The event will be held in the Heritage room of the Henry Center located in the University Club at 3435 Forest Road Lansing, MI 48910. A lunch buffet will be served. Please join us from 11:30am-2:30pm for this informative gathering.

Mark Levine will join us as our guest speaker and share both his and his younger brother’s CF journey with us. He is a successful engineer, CF advocate, father and husband. “Can’t wait” is not part of his journey, enjoying every moment matters most. Multiple vendors will be present and available to answer questions regarding products and services they offer.

To maintain clinical separation of friends with CF and to adhere to the CF Foundation guidelines, we ask that only family members and/or caregivers attend.

Please RSVP via phone 517-884-8614 or email . Feel free to contact us with any questions or bring them with you to Family Day. We look forward to spending time with you.


For directions to Henry Center please see below




Ryan Thomas, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Director, MSU Cystic Fibrosis Center
Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Department of Pediatrics and Human Development
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine